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Video Reviews

All of our toy reviews that contain video content. To see all of our content, check out our YouTube Channel

EX Kyoryuger Ressha Video Review: EX Kyoryuger Ressha

All aboard the T-Rex train.

Wataru Ryujinmaru Video Review: Mashin Hero Wataru Ryujinmaru Ver. 2

Bandai gives this character a second chance and makes a few improvements

EX Gokin Robin-Chan Video Review: EX Gokin Robin-Chan

A robotic ballerina? yup

Blue Ranger Video Review: Blue Ranger (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)


MiP Video Review: MiP

Hey look, it's a review of an ACTUAL ROBOT on CollectionDX. How cool is that?

DX Fire Ressha Video Review: DX Fire Ressha

Totally not the Extinguisher Ressha.

DX Police Ressha Video Review: DX Police Ressha

Yup. This is a police train.

Daitarn 3 Renewal Color Video Review: Daitarn 3 Renewal Color

The most common question is, "Should I buy this version?"

Variable Action High Spec Galvion Video Review: Variable Action High Spec Galvion

The Galvion toy you've been waiting for?

Legacy Dragonzord Video Review: Legacy Dragonzord

It's time for the real Dragonzord power now!

Kwazii's Octo Max Suit Video Review: Kwazii's Octo Max Suit

Kwazii's Octo Max Suit is like taking a happy...

DX Diesel Ressha Video Review: DX Diesel Ressha

We can finally form the Diesel-Oh!.. The Cho ToQ-Oh too, I guess...

DX Tank Ressha Video Review: DX Tank Ressha

My favorite train in the line so far!

Tobot Quatran Video Review: Tobot Quatran

As I become disillusioned with modern Transformers designs I tend to look to other sources for my transforming toy needs. One relatively untapped market is Korea.

DX Car Carrier Ressha Video Review: DX Car Carrier Ressha

Because Train Rangers need cars too.

Mazinger Z Video Review: Mazinger Z

A unique take on the Mazinger Z design, approved by Go Nagai himself!

Yamato 2199 Video Review: Space Battleship Yamato 2199

Bandai has released three Soul of Chogokin quality Yamatos (Yamatoes?, Yamatii?) And in my opinion, this is the best of the three.

DX Gokai Spear Gokaiger Video Review: Gokai Spear


U-Combine Shogun Combatra Deluxe Set Video Review: U-Combine Shogun Combatra Deluxe Set

"5 die-cast metal vehicles!
Working parts with every 1
Combine 'em to make a robot one foot tall!"

Getter Poseidon Video Review: Getter Poseidon

It seems as if Fewture was saving the best for last.

s.h. Figuarts Black Ranger MMPR Video Review: Black Ranger (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Once you go black, you never go back.

Gokai Machine Set 04 - FuraiMaru Video Review: Gokai Machine Set 04 - FuraiMaru

Nin nin nin nin!

Jason and the Argonauts Skeleton Army Video Review: Jason and the Argonauts Skeleton Army

Do you want a Ray Harryhausen action figure or just a super detailed skeleton? Either way, Kaiyodo's got you covered.

MEGA Bloks Ultimate Legendary Megazord Power Rangers Super Megaforce Video Review: Ultimate Legendary Megazord

Is this a Super Mega Win? I ask my nephew to find out!

DX ToQ-Oh Video Review: DX ToQ-Oh
