CollectionDX Network
CollectionDX - Toy Reviews, Toy News, Japanese Toys and Action Figures


cosmo773's picture


About Me :

I'm a 45 year old 5 year old living in Chicago Illinois. Used to be in advertising, worked for Simon and Schuster ( hated New York ), Mattel ( really hated Cali ), Kohls department stores ( just hated them ). Ended up hating advertising as a whole. Became a Mechanic, A Paralegal and a Bartender. I now manage a small toy store in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood called GayMart ( Horrible name but is in the middle of the Gay/Lesbian area and its been there for 17 years). Why change it if it ain't broke!

What is your all time favorite toy?
I'd throw myself on the flames, cause I couldn't leave my Mugenbine Collection!


Member for
16 years 22 weeks