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Video Reviews

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Deluxe Dragonzord Video Review: Deluxe Dragonzord

The American Green Dragonzord is completely made of plastic while the Japanese version has a die cast tail tip.

(UPDATE: Video co-review by EVA_Unit_4A added July 2011!)

Video Review: Deluxe Double Morphing Rescue Megazord

Still, the Rescue Megazord is a fun toy. While we didn't get the metal and chrome that the Japanese version had, kids still got a cool, combining and transforming megazord at a reasonable price.

UPDATE: Video review added by...

Video Review: Deluxe Megazord

This is the original Power Rangers Megazord, the one that started it all in the USA. Of course, we all know by now that a genre called Sentai has been on the air for years in Japan. In the early 90s, Haim Saban got the idea to use footage from the...