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Robots In Love

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About Me :

I've been a toy whore from the day I was born. Probably even in the womb. I wet the carpet when I was three cuz I was playing with my new FisherPrice town set and I was too excited to stop and go pee in the toilet.

I was born in 1971 and the world of toys was an amazing, beautiful place. My grandmother was on the "sucker list" (as my father called it) at our local King Norman's toy store, meaning they would call her the minute they got a shipment of Star Wars figures. She'd buy two of each, one for her collection(which ultimately became the back-up set for my lost or broken figures) and one for me(she was a big sci-fi/horror buff which is probably where I get it from).

I loved that King Norman's. One of the earliest dreams I can remember was going into King Norman's and they had a life size section of the Millennium Falcon that you could put together and play in.

I'll never forget walking into Woolworth's and seeing Greedo, Hammerhead, and WalrusMan hanging on the pegs all in a row and nearly pissing myself. Between Woolworth's, Walgreen's, and King Norman's, my action figure selection was plentiful. I would get much of my toy info from my older cousin who got all the really primo stuff. They were pretty rich. The big Mego Star Trek sets and old G.I. Joe 12 inch stuff. Tons of Micronauts. I spent hours in their pool with the Joe Submarine attacking it with that rubber giant squid. That was one of my favorite toys. My Father would take my Grandmother and I to China Town in SF and we picked up stuff like Go Lion and God Sigma.

Nowadays I focus heavily on robots. I'd say my collection today is about 90% robot. There are some cyborgs and "humans in suits" sprinkled in there with a dash of vehicles and 1/1 scale weapons.

My collection has gone through many phases and there was a point when I had toys dripping from every horizontal surface in my place. I always had minimalist tendencies(which is a dilemma for any collector as you all know) so a few years ago I started purging down to the absolute favorites. It's so hard though, with gorgeous, amazing stuff coming out all the time now. We really live in a new toy renaissance. I gotta be really choosy nowadays so I don't loose my mind from clutter and go broke.

What is your all time favorite toy?
Kenner Millenium Falcon

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City or State
San Francisco, CA




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15 years 7 weeks