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CollectionDX - Toy Reviews, Toy News, Japanese Toys and Action Figures

Random Spaceman

Random Spaceman's picture


About Me :

A bunch of 80's - early 90's robo-based toys. From Voltron, Transformers and Power Rangers to Jetsons, Flintstones and TMNT. Always loved the way Centurions and DinoRiders toys were made - enjoy anything with a bit of interactivity. You'll also find a few items there just because I love the movies - Star Wars and E.T. But anything that has triggered memories of childhood cartoon watching does it for me - He-Man, Thundercats and AstroBoy.. Gundam and Zoids are in there for today's continuing of elaborate and mega detailed pieces. Have been collecting for about 2 years and have about 150 main items. They are growing well out of the cabinet, into the fish tanks and taking up every spare spot in my room.

What is your all time favorite toy?
Voltron will always be king!

Personal Information

City or State
Perth, WA




Member for
18 years 18 weeks