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Destroy All Podcasts ST Episode 21 - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen


66 comments posted

Saw the movie, nice premise, but once again Michael Bay's style has to dominate the movie...cliche love scenes, absurd plot twists, ridiculous amounts of explosions ( where not one main character gets maimed or hurt...), and enough slow motion make a 3 hour movie that could have been 90 min...I hate when a director becomes such a self absorbed tool that they ruin and overlay a movie that could have been good.

AJProDie-Cast's picture
Posted by AJProDie-Cast on 26 June, 2009 - 23:43
Dude. It was a dumb movie,

Dude. It was a dumb movie, but it was entertaining as all get out.

Was it a good movie? No, but neither was the original. Fun as hell though.

And for the record I will miss hearing Andrew in the regular podcast. I am here for the mech stuff anyhow. More mechy goodness, less Mamoru Oshii and "suprise nookie" jokes!

Typhus's picture
Posted by Typhus on 27 June, 2009 - 01:11

"Dude. It was a dumb movie, but it was entertaining as all get out.

Was it a good movie? No, but neither was the original. Fun as hell though."

You've claimed that it's a bad, dumb movie; then yet again

you thought it was entertaining and fun at the same time?

Wow...that's one of the best darn statements that I've ever


Typhus, you've just refined my beliefs now more than

ever that 'two-faces' are indeed worse than none.


Rodimus78's picture
Posted by Rodimus78 on 27 June, 2009 - 07:16
Wow, pretty harsh. I know

Wow, pretty harsh. I know exactly what he's talking about though. It wasn't a good movie, in terms of a meaningful plot, coherence, character development, any of that, but the mecha fights were fun to watch, and I got a few laughs out of the banter between the characters. All in all I had a good time seeing it.

The outrage here surprises me. Did no one watch the TF movie from 2007? I think anyone who expected ROTF to be radically different (or better) was just setting themselves up for disappointment.

delta7890's picture
Posted by delta7890 on 27 June, 2009 - 21:28
I enjoyed the original as a

I enjoyed the original as a forgivable, mindless summer film, this on the other hand was absolutely INTOLERABLE. It's actually amazing to hear Andrew get this angry, though ending on having to talk about this movie is pretty painful.

vendavaleste's picture
Posted by vendavaleste on 27 June, 2009 - 02:28
This movie has two Jar Jars

Skids and Mudflap. Two Jar Jars for the price of one. One even had a gold tooth. Now, I'm not going to get on my politically correct high horse and pretend like I was offended by these characters. I just find it irritating that Michael Bay knows so little about characterization that he thinks "black" is a personality.

Yeah, I like how Michael Bay wanted to be more realistic than the cartoon, but he falls back to the same weird anomalies, such as having regional dialects for robots that came from another galaxy.

You know what really angers me about this movie the most? The first scene of the movie actually drew me in, leading me to believe that maybe Michael Bay finally learned that the robots are the stars. I really should have known better.

What I liked about the opening scene: In the battle over Shanghai, you actually got to see robots fighting robots with very little involvement of the humans. Yes! This is what I want. It was great. When Sideways crashes through a building, does a somersault and then transforms. That was so cool, it could have been right out of the original cartoon. This is what a Transformers movie should be like.

And then it all went to hell. It transformed back into a Michael Bay film in which the humans are involved, as if I care about the humans. Yes, I really hated the government bureaucrat character, but not for the reasons the story dictated. I hated him, because his first duty in the story was to conveniently reveal the location of Megatron and the Allspark fragment in one concise monologue, which the Decepticons just happened to have conveniently been listening in on. Ironically, this would be the only plot shortcut in a movie that was otherwise way, way too slow.

Again, we have to deal with Autobots not doing anything, because of some government goon wants to slow the story down, which is exactly what I hated most about the first movie. Isn't there a name for a character like this who isn't really the antagonist but exists purely to throttle the story? And then I love how they just literally cast him out of the movie the moment he's no longer needed.

And then it turned into "The Da Vinci Code" for a while. What was up with that? Why did we need to have a whole third of the movie dedicated to finding the doomsday weapon via unnecessarily contrived clues?

It's like this movie did everything possible to keep from being an action film while simultaneously trying to emulate everything I hate about summer blockbuster films. Did I really see Optimus Prime do a bullet curve, ala "Wanted"? I swear, I did.

This movie was stupid, stupid, STUPID!

117ufcbetting's picture
Posted by 117ufcbetting on 27 June, 2009 - 04:47
My back really, really hurt

My back really, really hurt :(

VF5SS's picture
Posted by VF5SS on 27 June, 2009 - 06:53
Not good to hear.

Haven't seen it yet so why comment... He'll do a 3rd movie to make up for this one hopefully it will be worth watching (Did enjoy the first though) and then in another few yrs after that maybe someone will pick it up and make a better Transformers Movie? Kind of like how they redid the Hulk movie because the first one sucked so bad. Star Trek got an uplift and that's the best movie so far this Summer, even if I wasn't a fan I'd still think it was good. Will listen to your podcast after...

Lizardspock's picture
Posted by Lizardspock on 27 June, 2009 - 18:13



This is the MOST entertaining CDX Podcast EVER! No Joke.

I don't care about the movie that much, but you made me want to see how bad it is. I am going to slow down and look at the car crash on the proverbial highway.

You found your voice man. Hold onto the rage....or drugs or whatever. ;-)

You on pain meds = AMAZING.

You are like the Steve Albini of robots.


joshua fraser's picture
Posted by joshua fraser on 28 June, 2009 - 00:01
The overreaction for this

The overreaction for this movie is just beyond dumb at this point. I can understand people having a problem with this movie mainly with "the twins", which is completely understandable. They didn't bother me but again understandable why they shouldn't have been in it the first place.
But seriously the angry rant wasn't even necessary.
People say there wasn't a plot when it was. Here's the breakdown:
There are still scraps of the AllSpark left from the previous movie, and they're causing problems for Sam Witwicky and the Autobots - who realize the Decepticons are coming back for revenge as well as to hopefully take over the planet, so they need to use the help of old friends, new friends, and new enemies to figure out what to do to stop them. What's so difficult to understand about this?

To me the movie was good but i can understand someone coming out of it with a "meh" opinion of it.

kusanagi02's picture
Posted by kusanagi02 on 28 June, 2009 - 11:01
Based on how well the first

Based on how well the first film was received by most, and those that did not like it (myself included) were labeled haters and shunned, I am surprised at the criticism of this one so far. I saw it last night with a friend and actually enjoyed it... I'll see it again, whereas I refuse to watch the first one, and my friends know not to even ask me if I want to watch it with them. There's still loads of god awful writing and Bay-isms, wherein Bay clearly has the sense of humor of a nine year old. The twins were stupid, but bothered me much less than I expected, altho the entire Ice Cream truck bit could have been removed without loss. I'm most upset over Devy's nuts, which were completely uncalled for, and then way too overplayed, as if they were something clever and worth the shocking amount of screentime and effort they received. Devy doesn't even have a component vehicle with a wrecking ball on it, let alone 2.

The action seemed cleaner than the first, as I could actually tell what was going on in most of it... the slo-mo is still disgraceful, but if you went in expecting nothing, removing any 'Transformers' expectations and just ignored most of the dialogue, it was a decent action romp. Still not good, but at least better.

Prometheum5's picture
Posted by Prometheum5 on 28 June, 2009 - 15:21
Thoughts on TF:ROTF

Glad to hear of another film I need not have to see this year!

Funny when masturbation and urinating jokes weren't enough in the first film, we now need dog humping in the sequel. Whoever said nothing is improved in sequels deserves a medal!

Why can't they make the stupid dumb action film that would get by with a PG rating these days? Seems like most of these films have to be targeted to the late teens/young adult crowds these days, and much with the other film, they want to have all the acorns in one basket or they'll lose the interest of at least one person in the theater they're trying to lure into this film. Ebert's review is pretty conclusive, especially the bit with closing your eyes while letting your kid go around the kitchen banging pots and pans! I'd probably get more entertainment out of that anyday!

Chris@StudioToledo's picture
Posted by Chris@StudioToledo on 29 June, 2009 - 18:51
Wifey and I went to see this

Wifey and I went to see this today. We both enjoyed it a whole bunch. It was, above all, entertaining.

Now, I agree that the dog humping, Jetfire farting, Skids and Mudflap, and 75% of the "banter" could've been cut and the movie would not have suffered in the least. However, those things did not ruin the movie by any stretch.

Also, as active duty USAF, any movie that portrays the Armed Forces in such a heroic, positive light (like Michael Bay consistently does) can have a whole slew of filler moments forgiven.

Optimus Prime rolling out the back of a C-17 to smash a Decepticon? I got goose bumps on that one.

======Darth Cirrocu======
"Arashi no nakade kagayaite."
"Coelum ad Proelium Elige"

Darth Cirrocu's picture
Posted by Darth Cirrocu on 29 June, 2009 - 21:46
It doesn't matter.

"Now, I agree that the dog humping, Jetfire farting, Skids and Mudflap, and 75% of the "banter" could've been cut and the movie would not have suffered in the least. However, those things did not ruin the movie by any stretch."

It doesn't matter if you agree with Andrew on the movie's flaws.

You and your wife gave it your blessings from the moment you've forked over your buck$ to see this B-flick and came home happy, so flick's B.O. success was justified.

That being said, your correspondence to the movie's unhealthy flaws is highly irrelevant.

You've got your money's worth of eye-candy made of 100% high fructose porn syrup ...that's all it matters.


Rodimus78's picture
Posted by Rodimus78 on 30 June, 2009 - 00:15
"You and your wife gave it

"You and your wife gave it your blessings from the moment you've forked over your buck$ to see this B-flick and came home happy, so flick's B.O. success was justified."

I thought the true sign of approval for a movie was to see it AGAIN... aren't repeat viewers the true sign of a successful movie and the key to making a hooozillion dollars? With the divisiveness of this film, even greater than the last one, it'll be interesting to see how viewership holds up after the initial week or two of hyped up views regardless of reviews and such. The film might collapse after all the people who were going to see it regardless of critics see it and then potential realize for themselves that it is just about the worst written movie ever made, and won't see it a second or third profit-driving time.

Prometheum5's picture
Posted by Prometheum5 on 30 June, 2009 - 07:40
I wonder this exact same

I wonder this exact same thing! I forget the exact number, but in the first few days, this movie grossed the 2nd highest sum of money in film history...right behind Dark Knight. Yet, Batman earned something like 94% fresh on RottenTomatoes, while TF2 scores an abysmal 20%!

I, too, wonder if viewership will plummet after the first week or two...


Sanjeev's picture
Posted by Sanjeev on 30 June, 2009 - 08:25
I think the last movie

I think the last movie bottomed out at like 60% at Rotten Tomatoes. I must admit much of this rant was inspired the Spoony Experiment's Vlog review (and the Valium) which is like four times longer than mine and has Spoony himself with his brother tear the whole thing down.

VF5SS's picture
Posted by VF5SS on 30 June, 2009 - 08:40
Transformers: Success by default

You want to know why Transformers is so huge? Look at what else is on the marquee. ...nothing, really. Of course people are going to go see Transformers; what else are they going to see? Pelham 123?


"Oh, it's just a dumb summer action movie!" "Hey, it's just mindless entertainment." "I just turn my brain off and enjoy it." Anyone who talks like this is a GODDAMN RETARD. People who take this attitude are exactly why modern movies are so stupid. Why should we have to "turn off our brains" to enjoy something? Why shouldn't we expect better from our movies?

We live in a time when a kid in his parents' basement can produce SFX that are as interesting as anything the major movie studios can come up with. We've moved past the "ZOMG STUFF IS MOVING ON THE SCREEN", CGI-wowsers period. Film-makers need to step up their game and stop pretending that audiences just want to sit down and watch an SFX reel.


I think that what's most frustrating, though, is that the Bayformers version of the property is now the canonical version, by dint of sheer effort. I mean, nearly three-quarters of a BILLION dollars has been spent on this, when you consider advertising, two movies, video games, toys, merchandise, all of that crap. Everyone in the world now thinks of Bayformers when they think of "Transformers".

And that includes all of it. Black stereotypes as comedy characters. Robots that look like random piles of crap from a junkyard. Optimus Prime as a combination of Jack Bauer and Jesus Christ. A robot that dresses up like a girl and tries to make the main character kiss it. 150-minute movies about transforming robots that have less than 45 minutes of actual robot. This is what "Transformers" means, now.

It's frustrating because this movie is clearly not being made for the Trans-fans. It's like "thanks for keeping this property alive for the last twenty years so that we can exploit it now, but we're going to ignore your opinions because you're all a bunch of nerds, lol nerds go back your nerdery you nerds, PS NERRRRDS!"


I also agree with Andrew and others: There is no reason that this needed to be a PG-13 movie full of swearing and sex jokes. This is the kind of movie that dads should be able to take their kids to go see, to say "hey look, this is the stuff I watched when I was a kid, now we can watch it together". The biggest group I saw going to see "Star Trek" was dads with their sons. "Transformers" should have been made for that audience. Instead, we got "Borat" with occasional robots. We got "robots? Whatever. Let's stare at Megan Fox's ass some more."

RobotBastard's picture
Posted by RobotBastard on 30 June, 2009 - 11:04
I’m sorry RobotBastard but

I’m sorry RobotBastard but as a fan of the TFs since they first came out, I can say I loved this movie because it made an enormous number of nods to the original. Its a movie that felt like its straight out of Gen 1.

The hokey story, the bizarre characters, the goofiness, the locales, the visuals of bunches of random decepticons firing away in the desert (with some of them simultaneously being located somewhere else), the mindless drive for energon that can be generated by just about any random thing, even the dialog, the dramatic moments, everything. It all harkens back to the original series.

Jetfire, as he appears in this movie, could easily have been a character in just about any of the TF series that have existed. The whole plot could have been from any of the series.

I felt like the first live action TF movie was trying to be a mass appeal blockbuster. I felt like Revenge of the Fallen was trying to be a TF movie and had a good time working with all the crazy s**t that exists in the TF universe.

TF has been corny, ridiculous and over the top since day one and this movie revels in that. And it does so without going as over the top as the cartoons did.

Does anyone remember Arcee falling in love with ~12 year old Daniel?

Anyone remember that Optimus Prime and Iron Hide had girlfriends?

And how about Megatron becoming Hitler (even doing the speeches at the podium with tankbots rolling by, hand gestures and everything)?

TF is a f****d up ridiculous franchise. Nothing about it has been normal or serious or moderate in any way. This movie exemplifies those qualities without getting to an uncomfortable point (like the TF series where the robots were powered by kisses from young girls O.O).

kusanagi02's picture
Posted by kusanagi02 on 30 June, 2009 - 22:54
Smokingly Woooah...

"I’m sorry RobotBastard but as a fan of the TFs since they first came out, I can say I loved this movie because it made an enormous number of nods to the original. Its a movie that felt like its straight out of Gen 1.

The hokey story, the bizarre characters, the goofiness, the locales, the visuals of bunches of random decepticons firing away in the desert (with some of them simultaneously being located somewhere else), the mindless drive for energon that can be generated by just about any random thing, even the dialog, the dramatic moments, everything. It all harkens back to the original series.

Jetfire, as he appears in this movie, could easily have been a character in just about any of the TF series that have existed. The whole plot could have been from any of the series.

I felt like the first live action TF movie was trying to be a mass appeal blockbuster. I felt like Revenge of the Fallen was trying to be a TF movie and had a good time working with all the crazy shit that exists in the TF universe.

TF has been corny, ridiculous and over the top since day one and this movie revels in that. And it does so without going as over the top as the cartoons did.

Does anyone remember Arcee falling in love with ~12 year old Daniel?

Anyone remember that Optimus Prime and Iron Hide had girlfriends?

And how about Megatron becoming Hitler (even doing the speeches at the podium with tankbots rolling by, hand gestures and everything)?

TF is a f*****d up ridiculous franchise. Nothing about it has been normal or serious or moderate in any way. This movie exemplifies those qualities without getting to an uncomfortable point (like the TF series where the robots were powered by kisses from young girls O.O)."

Woooah....whatever you're smoking, put it out cause you're blowing the kids to chunk down hard on the potty seat and that's just illegal.


Rodimus78's picture
Posted by Rodimus78 on 30 June, 2009 - 23:39
Okay. No.

So your argument is that the movie sucks but that's okay because TF sucked too? See my earlier comment about "LOL NERRRRRDS".

RobotBastard's picture
Posted by RobotBastard on 1 July, 2009 - 00:44
You know Iron Man or Batman

You know Iron Man or Batman can also be considered hokey. Did their movies pointlessly objectify women or turn the "ethnic" characters into step n' fetchit stereotypes?

VF5SS's picture
Posted by VF5SS on 1 July, 2009 - 06:49
kusanagi02, first off, no

kusanagi02, first off, no swearing on our website. This is your only warning.

Second, if you think that Bayformers feels like it's "straight out of G1", then I'm not sure we can have a rational discussion, online or otherwise. In your delusional state, you are clearly too far-gone for reason to penetrate...


Sanjeev's picture
Posted by Sanjeev on 1 July, 2009 - 16:56
My bad on the swearing. I

My bad on the swearing.

I don't think i'm delusional. Like i said before I can definitely get if someone came out of this movie with a "meh" opinion. A good chunk of people that i've asked thought it was decent movie if only for the action. I'm all for a rational discussion but i think people that clearly are disgusted with the movie, read too much into it.

kusanagi02's picture
Posted by kusanagi02 on 1 July, 2009 - 19:01

first off, no swearing on our website.

If this is so, then why post a podcast featuring more profanity in the first minute than a dozen showings of Revenge of the Fallen, without any warnings about content?

I'm not trying to be snarky here, just pointing out that if you're trying to maintain a family-friendly atmosphere, which I appreciate, you need to make sure the policy applies to everything.

The Mad Zincer's picture
Posted by The Mad Zincer on 3 July, 2009 - 15:02
Not to carp, but just FYI...

...there isn't a disclaimer for this one, either before the link on the main page or in the podcast. Ten seconds in, the f-bombs just start falling like rain.

The Mad Zincer's picture
Posted by The Mad Zincer on 4 July, 2009 - 00:56
There is just too many

There is just too many inconsistencies to point out. This reviewer at least does it in a humourous (but shockingly accurate) mock interview.

Agree with Andrew that the swearing could be ommitted. And hope its not the last podcast from him. Its actually quite entertaining. Maybe beep out the swear words and the review becomes PG13 :)

Back to the movie...The human's ineffective role in the movie can be forgivable if they are just regarded as fillers (save cost?) that add to the humorous parts of the movie. Then concentrate on a few more solid robot fight scenes without screwing up the plot. That would make a lot of TF fans much more happy.

But like you said, what else is there for us to watch during this time? A TF fan who don't want to watch a TF movie (we waited 2 yrs man!) despite how bad reviewers say it is? unlikely to happen...

bhchia's picture
Posted by bhchia on 2 July, 2009 - 21:22
RobotBastard, you are my new

RobotBastard, you are my new favorite poster... everything above is 100% spot on. There is no reason fun summer films should expect the audience to act like mewling drooling zombies in order to enjoy the movie. The best fun movies either strike a good balance of action and plot so as to keep the movie interesting and the audience awake, or if anything, drift vaguely towards the realm of a properly written film, and not just an action flick (Iron Man).

And it is extremely frustrating to be a big man-child who grew up enjoying the original transformers, only to have everything you LIKED about them pushed aside in light of some new nonsense that everyone else knows about. Defenders of the movie franchise argue that a franchise needs to grow in order to thrive, but is it really the same franchise when that growth overwrites everything that made the franchise good in the first place?

Prometheum5's picture
Posted by Prometheum5 on 30 June, 2009 - 11:29
A group of us saw it

A group of us saw it saturday night. I have no particular attachment to Transformers, although the toys are pretty cool. I never watched the show (or shows) and thought the first film was rather meh.

Bay is a pretty limited filmaker with a small toolkit of tricks he often overuses. This film was no different. He stuffs the first half with all manner of story hooks (that go nowhere), and draws the last half out far too long, only to wrap things up in a manner of minutes. In bay-ism terms the flick is all foreplay and moneyshots, with no sex to make it worth the while.

Sitting through the first half I was rather shocked that a mom and 7 year old son sat in the row infront of me. But once Optimus died, the kid turned to his mother asking "Why doesn't Sam use his part of the Allspark to bring Optimus back?". Now if a 7 year old noticed that; I figured he was smart enough to be immune to the rest.

Of course the film is filled with all sorts of these plot/logic holes. And Bay uses all his best manipulative tricks to try to make you ignore them. But they nag at you (or many of you) and by the time the film starts dragging its way to the end. Sam tells Magan Fox that they still have one more mile to go. And the couple sitting to my left had enough, and several more followed them from the theater.

Ever the glutton for punishment, I stuck it out. And witnessed what might be the biggest WTF! moment in film history...Methinks Michael Bay needs drug tested for haveing us witness Sam go to autobot heaven.

While its no Manos the Hand of Fate. And it is put together in that slick Michael Bay sort of way. Its just not what I'd call "meh" either ... "meh minus minus" maybe.

Course it was a hot summer day when we saw the film. And God reminded me never to spend money on a Bay movie again by dumping about 4 inches of rain into the open sunroof on my car. Was one of those freak flash thunderstorms that started the moment we opend the theater doors to leave. God saw me there, guilty as charged :P

BraveMSW's picture
Posted by BraveMSW on 30 June, 2009 - 20:14
Wait a minute...

Everyone sounds so pleased with this suck bag of a movie. Prime dies again, did Hot Rod get in the way? A 7yrs asks why not use the allspark you say. Here's a question: The Cube is weak and powerful as well, meaning why couldn't this thing rebuild itself from a left over shard after it was used to kill Megatron. After all Bumblebee shrunk it down from the size of a 5 story building into something he could hold in his hand. Meaning its capable of some sort of replication and for it to be destroyed to kill one robot that's another story. Riddle me this Micheal Bay...

Lizardspock's picture
Posted by Lizardspock on 1 July, 2009 - 17:23
No offense to anyone

No offense to anyone here, but there is just something i'd like to point out.

What did people said about the first movie? Too much character development, not enough action, not enough robot, too many sunsets.

Now, what are people complaining about? not enough character development, too many robots, hard to follow action...

Granted, some of the so called jokes could easily have been cut out. But the director seems to listen to what fans said about the first one and tried to correct it in the second. Beside, you can't expect a gazillion bots and a lot of fleshing out.

"Awww man, that's one ugly zord..." Tommy about BA Drivemax Megazord.

Christopher Andre's picture
Posted by Christopher Andre on 3 July, 2009 - 10:37

"Granted, some of the so called jokes could easily have been cut out. But the director seems to listen to what fans said about the first one and tried to correct it in the second. Beside, you can't expect a gazillion bots and a lot of fleshing out."

Offensive to the conscience of the tears...Point-Blank-Dud.


Rodimus78's picture
Posted by Rodimus78 on 3 July, 2009 - 11:44

"Seriously, you make zero fu***ng sense 98% of the time. Just thought you should know that."

Neither does this shamless movie & the Lowest Common Denominator that caters to it like Droogies in a milk-bunny farm. That's the whole Zeus-Forsaken point Atom.

Food for thought. }:)


Rodimus78's picture
Posted by Rodimus78 on 3 July, 2009 - 12:47
Yes Atom

...really, just read the ingredients behind
'The Taste'. It could save your life. }:)'s not an order. Really.


Rodimus78's picture
Posted by Rodimus78 on 4 July, 2009 - 00:00

Yo, an for an editor your a hostel little pr!ck. I thought you we're supposed to be bigger than that and set an example for this site like Sanjeev said watch the bad language. Ya, **** what it's still not swearing! You just tore Rodimus78 apart.

Lizardspock's picture
Posted by Lizardspock on 3 July, 2009 - 15:21

"Yo, an for an editor your a hostel little pr!ck. I thought you we're supposed to be bigger than that and set an example for this site like Sanjeev said watch the bad language. Ya, **** what it's still not swearing! You just tore Rodimus78 apart."


Stand down...That's an order!!! }:{

Please...please...DON'T fight my battles for me...That would be cheating.

It's my ass that's on the 'firing line' here, NOT YOURS OKAY?!!

Atom doesn't understand...yet.

Let him whip me w/ a thousand bloody lashes...I deserve it, for he is a good & talented man worthy of honor.

Please......don't backstab him on my account. I like him & I'm proud of him for being brave in the positive sense.


Rodimus78's picture
Posted by Rodimus78 on 4 July, 2009 - 03:05


Watch yourself Lizardspock. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.



Lizardspock's picture
Posted by Lizardspock on 3 July, 2009 - 15:56


PFFT...nah wrong! LOL

I'm only kidding about that.

Seriously, Happy 4th of July DAP-DX/ST & CDX.

Man, this podcast is getting even more interesting!


Rodimus78's picture
Posted by Rodimus78 on 4 July, 2009 - 23:33
Man what are you guys even

Man what are you guys even arguing about anymore?

VF5SS's picture
Posted by VF5SS on 4 July, 2009 - 09:50
I don't understand why

I don't understand why everybody has to turn into a colossal prick over this movie. I only read like half the comments in this thread,and most of them were two posters calling people things like 2 faced and "goddamn retards" because they liked a cartoon-based movie that was too cartoonish.

I think most people who know me would say I'm as old school as it gets,and I'm definately a crotchety old TRUKK NOT MUNKY Geewunner when it comes to transformers,but what was so bad about this movie? It wasn't an all time classic,but it wasn't terrible either. People just like bashing Bay.

Sanjeev,this movie definately had tons of G1 nods. Energon is ill defined and you can make it from anything,a Prime is one with the Matrix upon death,the Decepticons took over all the world's TV stations to broadcast a threat,etc.
Hell,the fact that the movie revolves around The Fallen proves they did their research,he's not exactly a well known character.

OK,you guys can start launching juvenile insults at me now.

kidnicky's picture
Posted by kidnicky on 4 July, 2009 - 23:48
The Fallen

What are you talking about? The Fallen only existed in The War Within: Dark Age comic published by Dreamwave about 5 years ago. He was never in the old cartoon from the '80s or the comic from the '80s.

Destroy All Podcasts DX's picture
Posted by Destroy All Pod... on 6 July, 2009 - 00:18
Dreamwave stuff is G1,right?

Dreamwave stuff is G1,right? I mean,I know they had AEC comics too,but the War Within stuff is G1,as far as I've ever known.

kidnicky's picture
Posted by kidnicky on 6 July, 2009 - 06:00
I'm honestly miffed by some

I'm honestly miffed by some people saying ROTF is full of G1 nods and the kinds of story lines that are straight out of the 80s. The Fallen is a nonsense character no-one liked from a terrible comic made by Dreamwave, a company that ran itself into the ground through disgraceful business practices. No one humped anyone or anything else in G1, and Prime never took anyone's face in the cartoon. And Megatron would never ever be subservient to another robot... just utter nonsense.

Prometheum5's picture
Posted by Prometheum5 on 6 July, 2009 - 09:29
Yeah,G1 Megatron would NEVER

Yeah,G1 Megatron would NEVER be subserviant to another robot! Except for in Transformers the Movie where he becomes Unicron's henchman.

The Fallen is a G1 character. It doesn't matter if you or I like him,and it doesn't matter what Pat Lee's buisness practices are like,(no I'm not defending Lee) he appeared in G1 fiction. One day IDW might go out of business,but Drift would still be a G1 character. Noone likes him,either.

kidnicky's picture
Posted by kidnicky on 6 July, 2009 - 17:17
Galvatron was subservient to

Galvatron was subservient to Unicron, for a time. Megs/Galv played his cards just right to get a new body and troops, and was working from pretty early on to get Unicron removed from the picture. ROTF Megs is a chump who bows down and coddles the Fallen, who does not rule through superior force, the ONLY way Unicron can get Galvatron to obey.

As for the Fallen, I may be unique, but I view anything made after the original G1 cartoon and comics run as only semi-canon, sort of in an "Extended Universe" way, or even as retelling and separate versions of canon therein. Granted, I also prefer the JP G1 canon post-Season 3, so what do I know? While I love them, you won't hear me complain that the Bayformers films don't have Dai Atlas or Dezaras in them, because most people don't even know about them. I think the Fallen is the same way, taken from an obscure comic most people haven't read, that only applies to one version of the extended G1 mythos. If Bay wanted to introduce a secret behind the scenes big-bad, some form of Unicron or even a Quintesson would have appealed to G1 fans much more, and stayed much truer to the 'original' G1 fiction. The Fallen was a stupid character from an obscure comic that most of the minority that read it did not even like.

Prometheum5's picture
Posted by Prometheum5 on 6 July, 2009 - 18:54
I thought "G1" was a

I thought "G1" was a seperate term for several canons,as it refers to at least one comic (Marvel) and a show that are incompatable.

kidnicky's picture
Posted by kidnicky on 7 July, 2009 - 06:24
I think that's where it

I think that's where it breaks down, as the term CAN refer to alot of things. I never read the comics as a kid, and going back now, I can't stand most Transformers comics, and chose to ignore them basically on a whole (Altho I DO really like Megatron:Origin). The original cartoon and comics are completely different tho, and the differences only get bigger as more comics are written. The best thing is when a year or two back, Takara released a new 'canon timeline' for the JP versions of everything transformers, wherein they tried to make ALL or just about all of the various works of TF fiction exist in one canon universe, through some seriously convoluted explanations.

Prometheum5's picture
Posted by Prometheum5 on 7 July, 2009 - 08:33
Fallen is G1. ...seriously?


I'm with Sanjeev; there's no way to have a meaningful conversation about this if you're going to tell us that The Fallen is actually a G1 character. I mean, I know we're getting into The Onion "Green Lantern article" territory, here, but--like I said--the reason that The Transformers is popular is because of the 1980s TV show. The Fallen had NOTHING to do with that show. The Fallen is midichlorians.

RobotBastard's picture
Posted by RobotBastard on 7 July, 2009 - 11:40
The move's version of the

The move's version of the Fallen is pretty stupid looking anyways. He's not even ON FIRE all the time.

VF5SS's picture
Posted by VF5SS on 7 July, 2009 - 11:59
Its unfortunate that many

Its unfortunate that many people didn't read the prelude comics the explains alot of stuff that was brought up in Revenge of the Fallen specifically the Megatron/Fallen relationship.
Really good read regardless of whether you liked the movie or not.

kusanagi02's picture
Posted by kusanagi02 on 7 July, 2009 - 22:25