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Destroy All Podcasts DX Episode 152 - King Arthur & The Knights of Justice: Opening Kick-off & The Search for Guinevere


4 comments posted
Awesome! I used to watch this back in the day.

You guys should also totally do an exosquad podcast.

thehappyknife's picture
Posted by thehappyknife on 30 August, 2010 - 17:03
There was a King Arthur toy

There was a King Arthur toy line, but it totally sucked bad.

Yeah, I loved this show when I was a wee vee.

I wanted toys badly of this but when I saw what they are, I was very disappointed.

Also, if you see the logo "Amazing Adventures" in the beginning (dunno if that's on your tape/DVD) but that was done by a friend of the family who died early. He was a graphic designer (graduated at the same art school I did) and did the early box art for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

VZMK2's picture
Posted by VZMK2 on 30 August, 2010 - 18:13
Awww, MAN!


Considering how strongly I felt they were banking on their toy designs to carry the true moneys-potential of the whole affair, I must say I feel they dicked up these toy designs with stunning, laser-like precision.

I really wish they had a image for the "slime pit", but I'm sure whatever is oozing around in my imagination is far more entertaining then whatever they had to offer the poor, suffering childrens.

"Here honey! the man at the store said kids really -love- these king arthur action figures, so I got you every single one! I spent all your holiday present-money for the next 7 years on all this. Merry Christmas!"

I'm sorry your friend passed on to the big Otakuland (a la oktaku no video) in the sky. I'm gonna check out his handiwork and make mention of it.

So you give me horrible toy designs -and- news of your dear friend's untimely death.


*takes some shots.*

-Well, basically what I'm saying is that I'm going to kill you.

Zuey's picture
Posted by Zuey on 4 September, 2010 - 02:36
Heathen Cartoons

I am in favor of any cartoon that stops people from going to church. If it wasn't for cartoons, I would never have woken up on Sunday morning.

117ufcbetting's picture
Posted by 117ufcbetting on 31 August, 2010 - 02:47