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CollectionDX - Toy Reviews, Toy News, Japanese Toys and Action Figures


StormBringer_Jetfire's picture

Personal Information

United States
City or State
Los Angeles


About Me :

A young idealistic boy, who will be a man... hopefully.

A lover of Anime, not all but most, Sci-Fi, Toys(much every ones chagrin), Books, Manga, Comics, and a bit of a conspiracy nut. But a lover of Fantasy as well, maybe a combination of Fantasy and robots.

and a Grand final fight in space, or a space like enviro.

Mostly giant mecha shows, with grand epic war stories, and some Transformers fiction!

What is your all time favorite toy?
1/144 Hy Gogg or my old Gundam Rx-79 ez


Member for
15 years 20 weeks