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CollectionDX participates in the custom Yoka show at DesignerCon 09


7 comments posted
Neato! Glad it turned out

Neato! Glad it turned out so great Josh. The grainy green looks really awesome in contrast with the gems.

Prometheum5's picture
Posted by Prometheum5 on 10 November, 2009 - 21:06
I like the strips of gems.

I like the strips of gems. Makes me think they would light up or something.

VF5SS's picture
Posted by VF5SS on 10 November, 2009 - 21:18
Is "Voltaire" the

Is "Voltaire" the singer/comic book author Voltaire? If so,he's pretty cool.

kidnicky's picture
Posted by kidnicky on 10 November, 2009 - 23:16
Local event!

Send me in to report! That's about a half an hour from my house!

BTW its great to see another toy design in your resume Josh!


Leonardo Flores
CollectionDX Staff Writer-West Coast Bureau

Showapop's picture
Posted by Showapop on 10 November, 2009 - 23:41
Let's all welcome CDX's

Let's all welcome CDX's newest sponsor, the BeDazzler!

^_^ The bear does look cool. I would have stopped just shy of that last gem on his..*ahem*..but the rest looks fantastico.

japester's picture
Posted by japester on 11 November, 2009 - 00:20
Ha! I'm glad I wasn't the

Ha! I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed...and was put off by...this! ;)

But's a "Josh Bernard original"...I bid one thou---NO!!--four thousand dollars!!


Sanjeev's picture
Posted by Sanjeev on 11 November, 2009 - 11:48
Art Basel

You should make more pieces like this. They would be delightful pieces to show if you decide to present them @ an exhibition over at Art Basel in Florida.


Rodimus78's picture
Posted by Rodimus78 on 11 November, 2009 - 00:56