CollectionDX Network
CollectionDX - Toy Reviews, Toy News, Japanese Toys and Action Figures


Ligerbomb72's picture

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About Me :

I am a complicated man. No one understands me except my Robots. I collect 80's GI Joe, Star Wars, Pirate Lego, and of course Chogokin. 72 is my birthyear so I got to see Mazinger, Gatchaman, Danguard and all the greats on early cable TV. My first Toy I remember was my Great Mazinger Shogun Warrior. It was as big as me and had firing missles. I will be posting my Chogokin collection soon. I keep it at my office at work (and my boss is not happy about it). My real name is Lance and I am frequent feedback provider on the show. I love the show each week because Atom and Josh take the time answer fan's questions. I can honestly say there is no way I would have dropped the money on all of my favorite toys if I did not get quality reviews and info from everyone on the site. Yes, I spent a lot but I am so happy to have all of my old super robot pals right at my desk each day.

What is your all time favorite toy?
GX- 43 Daimos


Member for
12 years 34 weeks