
Original MSRP: 19.99

Whenever an ordinary, useful thing becomes fun and whimsical, people go nuts. It’s why I have a Death Star tea infuser, and it’s why Mimobots are so awesome to me. 

Because who wants a flash drive when you could have a flash drive that looks like Ugly Dolls? Exactly. 

mimobot uglydolls

As you can see, Mimobot was kind enough to send me four of these little gems. And now, from the back:

mimobot uglydolls

Meet Wage. 

mimobot uglydolls

mimobot uglydolls

Love the little apron. Let’s look at him from the back!

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Nice apron tie. From this angle, you can see his light-up hindquarters, much like the butt end of Captain Mal’s famous ship. 

Meet Ox!

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mimobot uglydolls

Like the Wu-Tang Clan, he’s concerned with dolla dolla bills, y’all. He’s also a puppy. 

mimobot uglydolls

This is Ice Bat!

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mimobot uglydolls

His hobbies include sno-cones and jacking up the color composition of a photograph. 

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And then you see those little wings and all is forgiven. 

Next, we have Babo. He doesn’t seem like the smartest of the Mimobots. But hey! Cookie!

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mimobot uglydolls

His backside is a little plain. 

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Group shot!

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mimobot uglydolls

They look kinda funny with their heads off. 

One of my least favorite things about the Mimobots is the way they face down when plugged into a computer. I suppose it works for them, as it flashes the logo and all, but still. 

mimobot uglydolls

Of course, they light up while in use. 

mimobot uglydolls

Mimobots are deeply cool guys. They range from 8 gigs to 64 gigs, and they typically come with neat little bits of art or other goodies straight out of the box. I have a bunch of these flash drives, and I’d love more. They work great, they look cool. Could it be better?