Thundremoar is a papercraft toy, meaning it ships flat and you have to assemble it. It’s not normally something that I would consider because I am a lazy bastard. But when Thundremoar creator Thomas Noppers offered to send me one, I thought it was worth checking out. I’m glad it did because assembling Thundremoar was a lot of fun.
The toy costs around $18 bucks and ships flat. The outer envelope is super colorful and has a very He-Man color scheme to it. Thomas said he was very inspired by vintage toy lines such as He-Man and Thundercats when he was working on this project. With this toy, Thomas has created the world of the Mutant Gangland, with a small backstory and interesting visuals. It’s like Mad Max meets Minecraft.
Inside you get the sheets with the parts, instructions, and a sticker. The parts are printed on a glossy cardstock and have die-cut edges so the parts pop out easily. Each connection point has a perforated edge so you know where to bend the tabs.
Unlike some other papercraft toys, this requires glue to complete. I found standard white Elmer’s glue worked fine. Just apply a small amount to each tab and hold in place until it stays. Some papercraft use a slot and tab system but I think some of the parts here might be too small for that to work.
The individual parts have cool names. The front wheels are “Murderpaw” and the rear wheels are “Thundertraxx”
The completed Mutant Death Truck Thundremoar is not very large, measuring only 5″ long, 4″ wide and 3″ tall. It has a nice presence though, and I like the design of it.
The completed set also includes a paper driver (Monsterkill), and a title card piece.
Overall, I thought the kit was fun and great looking, but a bit smaller than I was expecting. You can get yours at the Toppy Noppy Etsy store here: