Red Mayfly


Red Mayfly is one in a series of four Tactical Armor sets put out by NifeliZ. Each kit retails for $24.99 and lets you build an original mech design! While the boxes are small, the end result is a cool looking mech that stands about 8 inches tall and is fully articulated!

Get your NifeliZ Red Mafly Tactical Armor kit Here!

Each box is the same aside from the highlight photo. The box seems small for what you are getting, but it’s because most of the 600 or so pieces are small. There were no missing parts and the bricks were of super high quality.

Red Mayfly

Red Mayfly

Instructions aren’t broken down by baggie, so you have to sort into bins however makes your life easier.

Red Mayfly

I had no issues with the build, and no missing or leftover pieces. The instructions were clear and concise. While the build followed a similar pattern to the Wuotan, the end result is unique enough to be worth buying.

Red Mayfly

The Red Mayfly stands about 8 inches tall and is fully articulated! This one features an articulated missile launcher and shoulder cannon. It’s better balanced than the Wuotan and slightly more slender in the legs.

Red Mayfly

The left arm sports a flexible shield and a detachable rifle under the arm.

Red Mayfly

The right arm can hold a different rifle in it’s hand.

Red Mayfly

The impressive movable shoulder cannon:

Red Mayfly

Most of the articulation is ball joints and it gives the robot a wide range of motion.

Red Mayfly

The head again uses the battledroid torso as the mouth, but otherwise its an entirely different design. This thing is just a delight to look at. There are flexible panels near the top of the hips, knees and ankles to allow for movement. The hips have movable skirts on the front and back. There’s an ab crunch, double jointed shoulders, and ball joints in the elbow and wrists. Even the vent sections on the shoulders move.

Red Mayfly

Red Mayfly

Red Mayfly

Overall it’s another great mech kit from NifeliZ, you can get yours here.