Darth Vader
As Prometheum5 correctly put it in his review of the Mafex Stormtrooper review : “…it is an amazing time to be a Star Wars fan. We are literally inundated with Star Wars merchandise due to the upcoming Episode 7. While the majority of figures and merchandise feature characters from The Force Awakens, there is tons of stuff for the fans of the original trilogy. For example, the new Mafex Darth Vader. The packaging honestly makes it look cheap since it carries the orange theme normally reserved for Rebel toys. So I don’t think the box is even worth showing. However, the figure inside is quite nice. Let’s take a look.
While it’s nearly impossible for every fan to be happy with any Darth Vader head sculpt, I think this one is fine as long as you aren’t comparing to any source material if you are that picky type.
Details on this figure are quite nice. Sculpt is nice and paint details are generous and carefully applied.
The set comes with an assortment of alternate hands.
Also included is an Anakin Skywalker head and his red lightsaber.
He holds his lightsaber well. I have noticed that in several pictures, the removable lightsaber blade comes out on an angle. The blade itself is keyed to go in one way.
You can remove the blade and tab the lightsaber onto his belt when not in use.
One of the alternate pieces is a handless wrist for when his hand gets lobbed off.
There is a lot of detailing in the wrist. You can see all the different color wiring.
The figure features a nice cloth cape which is thankfully not too thick nor too stiff.
A great addition to the cape is a thin wire on either side of the cape allowing you to get some flowing poses from it.
Even during a fight, Darth Vader barely moves in extreme poses but for those of you out there that have other plans with your Vader, you will be happy to know that this guy has decent articulation for someone who spends 95% of the time in statue mode. This pose is only meant to show some articulation points. You can also sort of see the included clear stand.
He’s been blessed with double elbows.
He can also lean back about this far.
To avoid unsightly hinges, the shoulder armor is molded from a soft PVC which moves away easily when the arms need to extend outwards.
While not the prettiest knees out there, they are double jointed.
The upper chest and waist can also swivel although the waist feels a bit tight.
You can remove the outer part of the helmet to reveal the inner workings of his helmet.
Although the inner piece is not removable, they did sculpt in the back of Anakin’s head.
Removing the inner helmet reveals a square peg.
Thus allowing the attachment of the Anakin head.
The sculpt has some pretty decent sculpting and paint. Especially the burn marks around his eyes. and the cuts on the back of the head.
It’s nice, but when compared to The S.H. Figuarts Anakin head, it falls short. Keep in mind though that at least with the first S.H. Figuarts Darth Vader, you need to buy the S.H. Figuarts Luke Skywalker to obtain the head. The Mafex includes it. Also notice the height difference..
Here is a size comparison of both and their lightsabers. Note that the SHF blade is longer.
Mafex Vader vs. S.H. Figuarts Stormtrooper.
Mafex Vader vs. Hasbro Black Series Stormtroopers.
Mafex Vader vs. Bandai Model Kit Stormtrooper.
Mafex Vader vs. Disney Elite Diecast Stormtrooper.
And just for fun, here he is with Disney Elite Diecast Captain Phasma.
I absolutely love how he looks against Luke Skywalker.
I have to say that this is my favorite 6″ scale Darth Vader. He has the height, the look and the accessories to boot. Previous to this, I favored the SHF Darth Vader but he looks so teeny now and spends his time in his box. The Mafex Darth Vader is impressive… most impressive. Sorry, couldn’t help referencing that.