Howling Wolfinica
Howling Wolfinica ( ハウリング・ウルフィニカ)

As a werewolf transform under a full moon, she transforms under a cresent moon.
She is a Werewolf Hunter who dances in the werewolves’ nightmare.
height before transformation 172cm
weight before transformation 55kg
height after transformation 185cm
weight after transformation 65kg

Wolfinica is basically a heavy metal werewolf girl. This is such a great figure, and one of the better entries into the Monstress line. The figure comes with a bunch of accessories, including:
- Stand
- Wall of Amps
- 2 small amplifiers
- Evil dog
- Microphone
- Ball and chain
- Guitar with rubber strap
- Claw Weapon
One of the great things about this figure is that it has pegs in the stand to hold the figure in place! also, the back of the stand has slots for some of the accessories, the only time this would happen in the whole toy line.

I also like the real strap on the guitar, and the metal chain that attaches to the ball. Nice work all around.

This is the limited, or “POP” version of the figure. The original figure is the same, only with a different color scheme.