Gundam Dynames

Original MSRP: 22300
Toy Number: 45-00
Scale: 1:200

Gundam Dynames is easily the most straightforward of the four Gundams in Gundam 00. Piloted by the expert marksman, Lockon Stratos, it uses a simple beam sniper rifle to peg targets hundreds of kilometers away. Likewise the HCM Pro Dynames is an equally straightforward toy. While it doesn’t have all of Dynames’s gear, this toy is sturdy and well articulated.

Gundam Dynames

The basic gimmick of Dynames is a set of movable mounting points which can used to attach either its sniper rifle or one of its many shield parts. The rifle itself requires a small adapter piece in order to fit on the shoulder mount, however this piece is so unobtrusive you’ll end up just leaving it on.

Gundam Dynames

This figure also comes with Dynames signature shroud. These parts fold over the front of Dynames for defense. They are made of three hinged panels and do not impede the figure’s motion. In the series, these are controlled by Lockon’s copilot the orange Haro.

Gundam Dynames

In addition to the usual set of optional hands, Dynames come with an optional head to represent the hidden scope under its V-fun. The rifle also comes with two foregrip; one extended and one folded.

Gundam Dynames

Dynames is the most flexible of the the first season Gundams. With its double jointed knees and extra wide feet, Dynames is super stable.

Gundam Dynames

Dynames’s rifle also comes with two bipods, both folded and extended. One complaint I do have is that the figure’s neck is not flexible enough to have Dynames peering through the scope while prone. Also notice the twin butt thrusters. They are simply threaded on a pair of pegs sticking out of Dynames’s rear and can pivot up and down. There is also an unlit beam saber attach to each thruster. The toy comes with one long saber and one short saber. Unfortunately the toy omits the Gundam’s akimbo pistols.

Gundam Dynames

Overall Dynames is another winner in the HCM Pro line. Despite the omission of some accessories, Dynames still feels complete just with its sniper rifle. One thing I have noticed is Dynames is downright cheap. Very few stores are selling it as its original price so if you’re looking for a cheap thrill with Lockon Stratos, get this toy.