
Scale: 1:18

I haven’t picked up a G.I. Joe toy in my adult life. As a kid, my toybox was equally split between Joes and Transformers, but it was ultimately the robots which stuck with me. But damn I loved G.I. Joe. The scale was perfect. The playsets and vehicles were utterly absorbing, masterfully realized toys. I will still peruse the latest series at the toy store, but haven’t felt compelled to buy anything. Until now.

In the post-Christmas desolation of the Target toy aisles, I couldn’t resist the charms of a Zombie G.I. Joe. It was the arm-tentacles that got me.

The figure is packaged on the classic compact blister-card with a cut-out file on the back. I like the old-skool painting of the character.

zombie viper card front

zombie viper card back

The file informs me:

“Zombie-Vipers are Cobra infantry troopers who have been given a mysterious chemical substance, Compound Z, that has turned them into drones. Wiped of all thought, they follow orders mindlessly and cannot be reasoned with or sidetracked. They have retained their skill at combat; in fact, their desire to fight has been increased, making them more dangerous than before. In other words, they are deadly zombie warriors.”

In other words, awesomeness.

My first impressions upon handling a new Joe after twenty-some years:

1. The plastic is lighter, less substantial.
2. The finishes are more matte.
3. Articulation isn’t dramatically different, but the whole thing holds together better.
4. The sculpt and paint applications are exquisite, way better than even contemporary Microman figures.

The sculpt, as I said, is amazing, packed with thoughtful details. I love those arms. They perfectly capture the zombie feel with the contorted hands. The tattered rubber uniform looks like real fabric. Paint applications are beautiful.

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I’m blown away that this level of finish is now possible with a 1:18 figure.

zombie viper 6

The stand is absolutely necessary for static posing, but the real fun is actually playing with the thing. Posing isn’t spectacular, as the uniform limits movement, but it always looks zombie-like and menacing.

zombie viper 7

Accessories include a helmet (which plugs into a Compound Z bulb, which plugs into his back ) and a set of tendril arms.

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The clear helmet is a nice touch.

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The tendril arms make the figure.

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This was actually a dangerous purchase. Now that I know how great the new G.I. Joe toys are, I may have to pay more attention. A perfect figure for nerds of many stripes.