Date Masamune

Original MSRP: 22400
Toy Number: 079

Date Masamune is a character from the hack and slash video game series Sengoku Basara (Devil Kings in the US) by Capcom. The game takes place during the warring states era. You play as your favorite feudal lord fighting your way through endless hoards of enemies to eventually conquer Japan.

Date Masamune is (loosely) based off none other than Date Masamune! A real samurai who lived back in the warring states period. I don’t think the real Date Masamune used six swords, but he was known for black armor and the gold crest on his helmet.


I haven’t got a revoltech figure for quite a while and have to say I was quite impressed when I received this one. The sculpt and paint detail are incredible. Detailing gold trim and logo on his back are crisp and vibrant. The crest on the helmet is actually gold plated.


Articulation is very good but could be improved in a few areas. The hips are actually comprised of two swivel joints instead of a revoltech joint. This can be limiting at times and make the figure hard to balance, because it puts the leg out at an odd angle. Thankfully in addition to the standard revoltech stand a part that plugs into the foot is included to aid in posing. The hands also have a joint in them which provide satisfying wrist articulation that is not present in older revoltech figures.


Other accessories included with the figure are 4 small swords that combine, a large sword, 2 sets of triple swords with attached hands, 2 sword holding hands, open and pointing hand, replacement face with open mouth. The handles can come out of the scabbards on the hips to simulate how many swords Date is using. Also you get a revo-box and coin.


Overall this figure is great and I highly recommend it. You can get yours at Hobby Link Japan
