Cure Berry
The S.H. Figuarts Cure Berry toy is from the television show Fresh Pretty Cure! and put out by Bandai. S.H. Figuarts is a new figure series that incorporates the action figure “art under the theme of ‘pursuing character expression through humanoid action’.” Cure Berry is one of many different figures from the series.
On the show, Cure Berry plays the role of a 14 year–old school girl who wants to grow up to be a fashion model and lives in a salon with her mother.
The figure is made of hard, molded plastic with some of the details painted on. The painting is well done, there are no chips, and the colors are bright. Overall, the toy is very well detailed.The Cure Berry figure comes with a stand, but the plastic wrapping around it is annoying to try to get off.
The toy also comes with six different sets of hands in various poses that you can easily change out on the doll, as well as two faces which I find very, very difficult to get off the toy. Cure Berry also comes with a wand, but it does not stay in her hands very well. Her accessories are a little much, because you can lose all of them very easily, especially the tiny hands (therefore not recommended for small children).
This toy is very well built, and should not break very easily. While the hands stay on very well, her ponytail falls out easily. This Cure Berry toy can do her signature pose from the show, minus the hands.
Almost all of her body can move, including her feet, hands, head, knees, and torso. The ponytail also moves – thus the reason it easily falls out.
This toy cannot stand by itself. The stand is needed, and even then it will barely stand. Minor warning here, if the feet are not flat, then she will not fit on the stand at all. The stand puts the toy off balance, and it will easily fall.
The price ranges from $40.00 to $70.00, and compared to the Cure Peach toy it’s a tad bit more expensive, but I think this is worth the money. I usually don’t buy figures like this, but this is one that I would recommend to anybody.