
Original MSRP: 99.99
Toy Number: TW-C01

Bulldozer is Toyworlds take on the Constructicon Bonecrusher. Bulldozer comes packaged in the same heavyweight cardboard box that Unearth came in. The box includes a custom cut foam insert, bulldozer, laser cannon, combiner parts (arm, hand, drill bit), screw hole covers, stat card, extra tread parts, and instructions.


Bulldozer stands almost exactly 8 inches tall in robot mode.


As with Unearth, Bulldozer sports an impressive level of articulation, particularly in the arms. He can easily hold his weapon with both hands.


Bulldozer uses the exact same legs as Unearth, just with new feet. That means that he shares the lack of thigh swivel, but again, its not sorely missed.


The same cheat used on Unearth to get more range out of the hips can be used on Bulldozer.


Another cheat that Bulldozer shares with Unearth that I didn’t cover in that review, is that the robot mode bicep’s use a double swivel joint to compress into the forearms for alt mode. The way this double swivel joint is setup allows you to adjust the length of the arms to suit your taste without hindering the articulation.


All of Bulldozers paint apps are sharp and very well applied, although like Unearth, the paint apps are very top heavy. A few more paint apps in the legs would have gone a long way I think.


Where as Unearth had an ungainly amount of back kibble, Unearth strikes a very clean profile.


Bulldozer has a large clear plastic panel on his chest that can be removed to reveal extra mechanical molding, paint apps, and a spot for a faction symbol underneath. The chest is also the source of my only real complaint with the figure aside from the lack of paint on the legs. The chest is made up of the alt modes scraper blade and secures via two small latches. The problem is that when pressure is put on the chest, like when you’re gripping the toy to move its arms for instance, the chest likes to come unlatched. It’s a minor annoyance, but an annoyance all the same.


Transformation from robot to alt mode is not as intuitive as it was with Unearth, but it’s by no means complex.


The alt mode is very detailed and sports an impressive amount of paint apps on the top half, but again, the threads could have used a few more. I’m tempted to swap the purple and green treads between Unearth and Bulldozer just to get some color separation in the legs.


The combined mode is essentially the same as it was with Unearth with the exception of a modified connection between the robot and forearm.


Although technically, the combiner parts dont do anything outside of combined mode, they can be pegged onto Bulldozers robot mode arms as kind of make shift weapons.


As much as I liked Unearth, Bulldozer is even better. He is 8 inches of chunky robot goodness and aside from his chest that likes to comes unlatched, and sparse paint on the legs I really, REALLY like him. The Toyworld Constucticon team is one of those love it or hate it designs, but for me it’s the perfect pairing of design and engineering.
