Marvel continues to be a divided brand, trying to appease both kids and collectors. There were several lines on display, from Spider-Man, Iron Man, Marvel Universe and Superhero Squad.
Iron Man 2 Spiderman MarvelSpider Man
This line continues to be kid-focused with silly things like Scuba Diver Spider-Man and that sort of thing. However, they are in 3 3/4 scale, and the figures that they do take seriously will be a great addition to your collection.

Iron Man 2
I cannot wait for this movie. The figures look so-so. The ones that are taken directly from the movie look great, but Iron-Man suits quickly get silly with things like Arctic Gear etc... I mean, shouldn't the iron man armor be pretty much all purpose? Each iron man figure will come with a translucent card that can be overlaid with other cards to create custom suits of armor. Iron Man toys will be split into two 3 3/4 lines - Movie and Comic lines. The comic line will have an awesome vintage Rusty MK1 suit which looks really fantastic.

We usually don't cover role-play, but they are coming out with a cool Arc Light chest light and repulsor gloves. There is also a neat helmet that has lights, sound, and a slow-close action, just like in the movie.

Two 8-inch rotocast vinyl toys are being released - Iron Man and War Machine. Yeah!

Marvel Universe
The line continues to grow and grow, with a new focus and a new storyline. but the BIG news is that they are releasing a 19-inch, fully poseable GALACTUS. Yep, with lights and sound. It will basically have all the articulation of a marvel legends figure, only super big. This is NOT a build-a-figure. this is a regular retail item and will come with a silver surfer.

Other new figures include Archangel, Thor and Captain America.

As far as the larger scale Marvel Legends - there will be a few, but store exclusives.
Superhero Squad
While I don't collect these, I can appreciate the fun of these SD style superheroes. the show is kind of funny too. One of the best things they showed in this line was a cute version HELI CARRIER. Awesome.

Marvel Transformers "Crossovers"
The less said about these the better.