It seemed like every booth we stopped at at Toy Fair, someone had some kind of battle top game. The original, and still king, is Beyblade. This year Beyblade has expanded to "Beywarriors: Shogun Steel" which basically adds monsters to the top of the Beyblades. The core blades still exist as well. Also coming out are two new battle arenas. IMG_7770 BEYBLADE SHOGUN STEEL BEYWARRIOR Battlers and OCTAGON SHOWDOWN SET Hasbro’s first ever figure-based battling system is inspired by the spirits in the new BEYBLADE: SHOGUN STEEL series. Insert the ripcord into the battler, rev it up, and send it spinning into action to bring the intensity of SHOGUN STEEL to life. Each BEYWARRIOR battler is made of five pieces to allow for ultimate customization, including interchangeable arms and feature different spirits from the BEYBLADE: SHOGUN STEEL show. The intricately designed OCTAGON SHOWDOWN set arena allows battlers to spin, crash, and ricochet for optimal BEYWARRIOR battling! (Ages 8 & up; BEYWARRIOR Battlers Approx. Retail Price: $9.99; OCTAGON SHOWDOWN SET: $39.99/Available: Fall 2013; Each Sold Separately) IMG_7757 IMG_7760 IMG_7767 IMG_7761 IMG_7737 IMG_7733 IMG_7769 IMG_7770 IMG_7762 IMG_7758 IMG_7768 IMG_7759 IMG_7736 IMG_7765 IMG_7766 IMG_7763 IMG_7734