Lulubell Toys ( is a shop based out of Mesa, Arizona. Velocitron ( is Ricky Wilson, designer of horrific nightmare inducing vinyl toys (in a good way). Together, they had one of the more interesting tables at NYCC. Lets look at some highlights. First off is Velocitron PA139197 PA139198 Kuchisake Onna PA139199 Decapitated Head PA139200 Kyuuketsushi PA139201 Grave of Skulls PA139205 Ghoul PA139206 PA139207 Fuei Shokai Te people behind the creepy Slender Man are back with a new vinyl - Kuchisake Onna. This too features a real tooth inside the vinyl, and the vinyl is anatomically correct. PA139202 PA139203 PA139204 Siccaluna Tetsujin 28 PA139208 Chikosu PA139211 Devilman PA139210PA139209 Zagora PA139212 Frenzy PA139213 PA139214 Grody Shogun PA139218PA139219 PA139220 PA139221 PA139223 SunGuts PA139224PA139225PA139226PA139235 Restore PA139232 PA139234 others PA139230 PA139231 PA139233 PA139236 PA139237 PA139238 PA139222 PA139217