And now, a very special message from the Kaiju Commissioner:

“Dear Kaiju Fans,

It has been many weeks since I last spoke to you. I hope you are enjoying your summer, and you haven’t been too down about Dr. Cube winning the Kaiju Championship Belt.

For the Kaiju Fans on the West Coast, I have some big news – Kaiju Big Battel will be invading the San Diego Comic-Con this weekend, July 22-25 with a booth (#4518), free giveaways, Kaiju merchandise, and appearances by Dr. Cube, Pablo Plantain, D.W. Cycloptopuss III, and more. Plus I’ve scheduled a special sneak preview of the next Kaiju DVD, to be followed by a panel discussion. If you are a resident of the golden state, I hope you can make it down to the San Diego Convention Center for this fun-filled time. All the info you need is below.

For those of you living in the other 49 states please visit to check out all the exciting news that has transpired this summer, including American Beetle’s shameful prisoner abuse scandal, Pablo Plantain’s victory over a serious tanning disorder, and the birth, life, and tragic death of Vegan Vampire.

Your Friend,
The Kaiju Commissioner”

Kaiju Big Battel at the San Diego International Comic-Con
What: West Coast stop on the Kaiju Big Battel Goodwill Tour
When: July 22-25
Where: San Diego Comic-Con, Cultyard Pavilion, Aisles 4500-4600, Booth 4518
What: Kaiju appearances by Dr. Cube and others, free Kaiju stuff, a sneak peak preview of the upcoming Kaiju DVD, and more.
Screening/Panel: Sat. 4-5pm, Room 6 CDEF
More Info: Comic-Con details and tickets available at