MAD*L (MOD L) n. A representative style, plan, or design
From Wheaty Wheat Studios and designer MAD, comes a new line of vinyl figures. Each figure uses the same mold but is done up in a different style by the renowned artist. It is really amazing how MAD breathed life into each of these figures, with original and striking designs. Each MAD*L figure is articulated at the neck, and some have swinging tags around the neck, but that's about it. If you are looking for articulation, look elsewhere. These toys, like all designer toys, are mainly about the look, the feel, the style. These figures have an amazing high quality paint job; they are just astounding.
The figures are packed in identical boxes, with only a sticker to differentiate them. The box is amazing - different textured inks, overlaid with the definition and pronunciation of MAD*L (Pronounced MODEL).
So far, Wheaty Wheat Studios and MAD have released 2 series, or "Phases" of MAD*L vinyl, as well as some store and event exclusives. Phase 1 Consists of 3 designs; Flame (Exclusive to Tower Records), DJ and Billymon. These were limited to 2000 pieces of each design. The Phase 2 designs are Dominion, El Lucha and Cry-on, and are even more exclusive with 900 pieces of each design, limited run.
Phase 1
DJ brings the Graffiti culture that is so common among designer toys to the spotlight. Fitted with the requisite cap, headphones and graffiti T, DJ looks as if he stepped right out from under an overpass after spraying his latest masterpiece.
Billymon looks like a little lost Cyclops that followed you home. He?s begging you to keep him, looking up at you with that one sad eye. His tag around his neck is blank; perhaps he is waiting for you to adopt him?

Exclusive to Tower Records
Phase 2
A blue camouflage pattern makes Dominion one of my favorite designs. His squiggly mouth makes him look bewildered, like a stranger in a strange land. He sports the same tag as Billymon. Perhaps they are related?

El Lucha
Seeing El Lucha really makes me want a version done up like Strongbad. Mexican wrestlers are cool. El Lucha is geared up to kick your ass with a skull and crossbones tattoo and fighting mask.

Cry-On is a clever take on a certain brand of spray paint preferred by graffiti artists. The head is an awesome use of the spray nozzle, with a bit of blue paint dripping from the eye. Why is Cry-on crying?

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