Hosts: Feddy, Jeremy, Mike, Zuey

This is about how the armor is still really sweet, why film noir does not go well with surrealistic comedy, and if the girl in red is a Little Red Riding Hood or not.


Actually, we realized later that she’s supposed to be Foxy Croquette O-Gin from the Fast Food Grifters stories and the girl in a red hood thing is totally a recurring theme in the Kerberos stories.

Click [HERE] to get your head crammed into a toilet.

More after the cut.

This is the reason to watch this movie.

This movie is hilarious!

“It’s not what it looks like!”

“Everybody dance!”

Aww, it’s the only Japanese woman who isn’t sexy. 🙁

Dammit, she’s totally a Red Riding Hood! And a Fast Food Grifter!

I love it when a movie does exactly what I demand.

Look, we know you don’t believe us about this movie, but here’s proof!