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Asuna Yuuki

Asuna Yuuki
Asuna Yuuki
Release Date:
$ 35.00
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Review by Animaven

There’s no denying the power of “Sword Art Online.” More than any other show, it ruled 2012. Sakura Con, held the end of March in Seattle, was so laden with “SAO“-centric activities that attendees - an incredible amount of whom were in SAO cosplay - referred to it as SAOkura Con. The name fit, and in the spirit of the event, I picked up a couple of statues from the dealer’s room. What collection would be complete without a Kirito and Asuna?

While, in the end, I am pleased with my purchases, these are not the greatest quality statues ever. Asuna is Sega Prize, so while not the cleanest figure ever, she was super affordable. Furyu’s Kirito, while also a prize figure, was infinitely better in quality and the same price.

Let’s start with Asuna, in box and in case:

SAO asuna

SAO asuna

And now out of the box:

SAO asuna

I picked this Asuna over the Furyu because her face was had more personality to it.

SAO asuna

Even in this shot, though, you can see the sloppy seam down her side.

Let’s look at some more detail.

asuna SAO

From the back you can really see the excellent movement in her hair.

SAO asuna

SAO asuna

The detail work on her tunic, under the belt, is shoddy at best. I've seen cleaner paint lines on knock-off Nendos. Though her thigh-highs are quite nice.

SAO asuna

Nice gouge on the back of her arm.

sao asuna

And bumps/bubbles in the lower part of her hair. They certainly got her hairstyle right, though.

sao asuna

This angle probably has the most action in it, which is kind of a bummer as she's facing away.

sao asuna

sao asuna

This is as much of an upskirt as you really get.

sao asuna

The sword is really well done, I think.

sao asuna

Though I hate, hate, hate that seam running all the way from her glove, down her arm, breastplate and side.

sao asuna

And here's her base. It's hard to tell, because of the white-on-white, but she has a raised pattern on the back third.

Let's put the two together:

kirito asuna sao

This next one is my favorite.

kirito asuna sao

That's pretty much how they're sitting on my shelf right now.

So, bottom line: Sega bad, Furyu good. If given the chance, I'd definitely recommend going Furyu with these figures; it's a good way to get a beloved character for not a whole lot of money.

Posted 14 February, 2013 - 10:35 by Animaven