CollectionDX Network
CollectionDX - Toy Reviews, Toy News, Japanese Toys and Action Figures

CollectionDX on Facebook - Become a fan

As always six months behind the rest of the world, CollectionDX is now on Facebook. Not quite sure what we are going to do with it, but there IS a forum on there, so if you've always yearned for a CDX forum, maybe that's for you.

Another stop to keep you from being productive during the workday!

Posted 19 November, 2009 - 08:58 by JoshB


1 comment posted
Speak of the Angel

Well speak of the angel, it's interesting that you've mentioned this news all of a sudden. I've discovered you had Facebook this past Tuesday of this week, & I've already became a fan in advance & it feels just right.

It's good when you have breakfast early in the morning, cause you always get more bacon, eggs, & grits on your plate.

News like this makes me feel glad that I've found CDX in the right place & the right time.


Rodimus78's picture
Posted by Rodimus78 on 20 November, 2009 - 00:23