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Destroy All Podcasts DX Episode 234 - Assault Girls


4 comments posted

The best part of this podcast is that Zuey gave a shout-out to the Sega Saturn and Panser Dragoon Saga.

You guys all need to SHHHH and let Zuey talk about video games when she wants to.

Mr Neil's picture
Posted by Mr Neil on 23 April, 2012 - 05:23

A movie so bad it turned the hosts against one another. and from Oshii no less. He must have phoned that one in.

G.K.'s picture
Posted by G.K. on 27 April, 2012 - 14:05
Maybe it was better than

Maybe it was better than this, but Avalon is nowhere near as interesting to me as Jeremy portrays it. It was so uninteresting that I've basically forgotten the movie AND the Deastroy All Podcasts review of it!

Also, Jeremy, you can't understand how people would get paid to play video games? They do now! Ever heard of MLG, or Korea's National sport-- Starcraft?

Red Faction Guerrilla was so much fun! Too bad the sequel didn't offer anywhere near as much enjoyment.

Yotaru's picture
Posted by Yotaru on 1 May, 2012 - 07:34
Paid to play

The implication was not just that people got paid to play the way professional sports are today, but that playing the video game was your job, and that this replaced the striving for distribution of real-world resources that led to so much war and conflict.

Which--in the right hands--could be an interesting notion. Like, they create these virtual worlds that are specifically set up to explore different economic ideas, and they see what kind of system emerges. It's a fast-forward sociology lab.

Not that any of this came across in the movie.

RobotBastard's picture
Posted by RobotBastard on 17 May, 2012 - 20:29